Make Alexa Swear Using Echo Devices

1. Alexa Announcements

To use the announcement feature, you can either say “Alexa, announce x” where x is the message. Another way is through the Alexa app. To do that, Open the Alexa app from the main menu, tap on make an announcement from the home screen. Now, simply type the phrase/word you want to hear which will instantly play on your Alexa devices. Easy, right?

2. Samuel L. Jackson

If you often use Alexa to tell a story, ask for weather details, set alarm, and more, now you can add an extra personality with the Samuel L. Jackson Alexa skill. The skill will cost $1.99 and once you purchase it, you get an option to keep the language clean or dirty. We all know how dirty Jackson can get! When you set the language to explicit, it’ll use a mix of both clean and explicit words. You can easily enable or disable this option. To enable/disable, simply say, ‘Alexa, turn the explicit filter on/off’. Get Samuel L. Jackson skill for Alexa

3. Allowed Cuss Words

4. Similar Sounding Words

This trick is similar to the previous one but in this case, we’re trying to find words that sound similar to other swear words. For example, f*** is a word that’ll always be censored. So instead of that, we can use, fug, fuk, etc. You get the idea right? This fulfills our aim as adults will be able to easily understand what is being said. Moreover, younger chaps in the house will not be able to figure it out directly, making it a safe bet. I’m sure since you’re reading this, it’ll be easy enough for you to make up these words in an instant. If you still need a helping hand, simply use this website to find words that have the same consonants and sound similar.

5. Simon Says

If you haven’t used Simon says before don’t worry as it’s pretty easy. All you have to say is, ‘Alexa, Simon says x’, with x being the word or phrase you want to repeat. That’s it. Skill Blueprints allow you to make custom questions and answers that Alexa can respond to. The process is simple and makes Alexa respond using the personalized response you feed in. So, let’s see how it’s done.

  1. To make a custom question, go the Skill Blueprint page and select Custom Q&A > Make Your Own.
  2. Type the question in the When you say: Alexa, and the answer in the Alexa will say: option. Once you’re done, click on Create Skill on the top right corner to finish. For example, When you say: “Alexa, is Siri better?Alexa will say: Fook You. It will take a few minutes before you can actually use the custom question feature. In addition, you can delete or edit these responses anytime you wish. Keep in mind that you cannot add adult words as a question or answer. So the only option is by using similar-sounding words as we did in the previous methods. Moreover, the question is restricted to 10 words at the max.

Closing Remarks: How to Make Alexa Swear

I’d suggest you refrain from using swear words at all and especially in front of the kids. Foul words and profane content do not do good to anyone. If you’ve kids in the house, listening to foul words will encourage them to use these in real-life conversations. If you still plan to go ahead, I think using your announcement command with your voice is the best possible way, provided it adds a personal touch to your curses when spoken in your voice. Also Read: Best Alexa Skills & Commands to Boost Productivity